Worship with Us
Weekly Worship Services
Sunday 8:00 AM - Holy Eucharist, Rite I
This is a spoken worship service offering communion. It has a quiet, more contemplative feel using more traditional language in the liturgy and prayers.
Sunday 10:15 AM - Holy Eucharist, Rite II
This is a worship service offering communion, typically accompanied with organ (or piano) music, choir and congregational singing. Contemporary language is used in the liturgy and prayers. This service is streamed each week on our YouTube channel (see below.)
Wednesday 12:15 PM - Holy Eucharist, with Healing
This worship service offers the option of special prayers for healing and anointing for those suffering in mind, body and spirit -- and includes communion. It's a "come as you are" type service that fits into a lunch hour.
Emmanuel Episcopal Church Rapid City, SD
Emmanuel Episcopal Church Rapid City, SD

Emmanuel Broadcast LIVE - February 2, 2025

Emmanuel Broadcast LIVE - January 26, 2025

Test Broadcast 1/23/2025
Explore Emmanuel's Worship Ministries
Contact the church office for more information about how to get involved in any of these ministries!
Altar Guild

Altar Guild members help create a peaceful and pleasing worship experience by setting up for of all types of services, arranging flowers for the altar, and caring for the linens, silver, and brass.
Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers assist the clergy with the administration
of the chalice during the Holy Eucharist.
Eucharistic Visitors

Eucharistic Ministers take the Blessed Sacrament to those who are unable for health reasons to join the gathered community for the Eucharist.

Lectors read one of three scriptures during the service.

Acolytes of all ages serve at the altar, assisting with liturgies, representing the people of God, and adding to the sacred nature
of all services.

The choir and musicians provide musical enhancement to the service. Anyone who sings or plays an instrument, and would like to participate in the music program in any way, is welcome to contact us.

This group of committed individuals pray daily for the needs of Emmanuel members, either as requested or referred.

The Broadcast Team ensures that the 10:15 service is streamed in a professional manner to our homebound membership.
Pastoral Care

Pastoral caregiving involves ministry with members of this community, as well as from outside the parish…those in area hospitals, carefacilities and some who walk in our door off the street.